Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Who Are The Real Zionists?

The so-called "Holocaust survivors" were not the survivors. They were ZIONISTS.

The 1897 Council in Basel, Switzerland, adopted Theodor Herzl's concept of ZIONISM.
The World Zionist Organization (WZO) was formed.

WW2 HOLOCAUST, in collaboration with the NAZIs. Hitler was a "JEW",

Hitler by casteddaiu

Franco, amigo de Hitler by J Kresve

The victims ~ Holocaust victims were mainly SEPHARDIM JEWS who are closer
to being the BIBLICAL JEWS or the BANI ISRAEL referred in the QURAN. They
became refugees in Christian Europe after the VATICAN SANCTIONED SPANISH
INQUISITION of 1492. They became the despised both by the ASHKENAZIM JEWS
and by the Churches in EUROPE.

The modern concept of of the SUPERIOR RACE, and the CHOSEN PEOPLE
and THE PROMISED LAND OF ISRAEL were originated by the ZIONISTS. The
ASHKENAZIM JEWS are the primary movers of the idea of ZIONISM.

The ASHKENAZIM JEWS originated from the Caucasius region, in Eastern
Russia, in a region where existed the JUDAIC EMPIRE of KHAZARIA. It is between
the Caspian and the Black Seas. They ARE NOT ONE OF THE TWELVE TRIBES of
BANI ISRAEL. They have no relationship with the BIBLICAL BANI ISRAEL AT ALL.
ASHKENAZIM JEWS became refugees in mainly in Eastern Europe as a result of the
invasion of the Mongol Hordes of GENGHIS KHAN. The KHAZARIA EMPIRE that had
existed for some 500 years were sacked and disappeared from the surface of the

in the FIRST WORLD WAR. They were instrumental in the COLLAPSE
of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE or the KHILAFAH OTHMANIAH as should be
understood and taken by Muslims.

Hence PALESTINE was their REWARD NOT a refuge from the PROSECUTIONS
they "suffered" in EUROPE.

The ASHKENAZIM JEWS have NO LOCUS STANDI (no legal rights) to an inch

"ASHKENAZIM JEWS" are PSEUDO-BANI ISRAEL JEWS. They were the originators
of ZIONISM and the rulers of modern-day ISRAEL. They number around 8 million
in 1960.
The common ethnicity of Modern Day ASHKENAZIM JEWS remain doubtful.
In comparison
the estimated number of SEPHARDIM JEWS were around 500,000
in the same year.

The Western Wall (Kotel) by wl2ider

The HOLOCAUST VICTIMS were the "SEPHARDIM JEWS" also known as
the descendants "BANI ISRAEL" as mentioned in the Quran. In modern day
Israel non ASHKENAZIM JEWS or PSEUDO-BANI ISRAEL are third class citizens.

More research needs to be done to expose and understand who the
"SEMITIC" and the ZIONISTS really are. Much of what I am proposing can still
be challenged. I value being corrected. ( Dr Abd Ghani Ujang)

1 comment:

  1. In AD 627, Muhammad committed an atrocity against the last remaining major tribe of Jews in Medina: the Qurayza. and destroyed the whole tribe. Abdullah Ibn Sabaa the creator of shia islam(46 years after mohammads dead) was a jew ... Jamal al-Din al-Afghani the creator of salafism islam was a jew. the creator of Wahhabism .Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab was a jew..... and today zionist try to kill the western world with mulitculturalism ? aminah muhammeds mother was a jew so how can the theory about ashkenazi be true

    Meir Garbarz Gover has noted that, at 12- and 25-marker levels, R1a1a Ashkenazi Levites closely or fully match members of some Arab tribes from Saudi Arabia.

    There were a number of Jewish tribes who lived in Arabia, some from at least as far back as the time of the Babylonian Exile. According to tradition, after the Assyrians destroyed Israel in 723 BCE, some members of the Ten Lost Tribes made their way to the Arabian Peninsula. Archaeological evidence suggests that there were Jews in Arabia at the time of the Babylonian Exile.

    Garbarz Gover notes that one of the most prominent of those tribes was the Banu Qurayza, a Jewish tribe of Levites that lived in northern Arabia, in what was then known as Yathrib and was later known as Medina. The Banu Qurayza is one of two tribes in northern Arabia identified by Arab historians as a tribe of priests.

    In 627 CE, followers of Mohammed besieged that tribe and took them captive, beheading most of the men (except for those who converted to Islam) and enslaving the women and children.

    Garbarz Gover hypothesizes that an R1a1a progenitor living about 1,000 years ago could have been a descendant of a Levite man from a Jewish tribe that lived in Arabia in the 7th century. He suggests that a Levite from Arabia could have arrived in Iberia with the Moors – Muslim conquerors who invaded the Iberian Peninsula from North Africa in the 8th century, and controlled large portions of it for some 500 years.
