way we can, thru donations, energy and prayers. Almost
2000 or more perished during the powerful earthquake. To
Allah we seek refuge from His anger and wrath, and from
terrible incident like this. And unto Allah we seek help and
bounties (rizq) so that we could live in a harmonious and
peaceful life without any life turmoil and trauma.
Ambacang Hotel in Padang, Sumatera after the 7.6 Richter
scale earthquake
people are thought to have been buried under landslides,
6 October 2009.
by the quake, 6 October.
Padang Earthquake Relief: 8th of October 2009:
Allah Azza Wajalla said in the Al Quran:
[11:67] Those who transgressed were annihilated by the
disaster, leaving them in their homes, dead.
[4:62] How will it be when a disaster hits them, as a
consequence of their own works? They will come to you
then and swear by GOD: "Our intentions were good and
[14:28] Have you noted those who responded to GOD's
blessings by disbelieving, and thus brought disaster
upon their own families?
[15:73] Consequently, the disaster struck them in
the morning.
disaster from the sky, as a consequence of their wickedness."
[2:64] But you turned away thereafter, and if it were
not for GOD's grace towards you and His mercy, you
would have been doomed.
[4:173] As for those who believe and lead a righteous life,
He will fully recompense them, and shower them with
His grace. As for those who disdain and turn arrogant,
He will commit them to painful retribution. They will
find no lord beside GOD, nor a savior.